Mediasi Sebagai Alternatif dalam Pengurusan dan Pemberesan Harta Pailit oleh Kurator Kepailitan

KARTONINGRAT, RADEN BESSE (2018) Mediasi Sebagai Alternatif dalam Pengurusan dan Pemberesan Harta Pailit oleh Kurator Kepailitan. FH-Univ. Halu Oleo. (Unpublished)

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Abstract: Mediation is one of the efforts to resolve disputes in which the disputing parties or disputes agree to present an independent third party to act as mediator (mediator). Mediation is also an alternative to dispute resolution outside the court, since court settlement through courts is considered very slow, time consuming and expensive and complicated. In the bankruptcy is known as a Curator according to Article 1 number 5 of Act no. 37 of 2004 concerning with Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations, curator have an important role in the management and disposition of bankrupt debtors' assets for the benefit of debtors and creditors. The curator who is appointed in the management and disposal of the bankrupt property shall be an independent person and shall have no conflict of interest with the debtor or creditor. This research is a normative research with conceptual approach. The result of this research is that mediation is a positive effort in resolving disputes more economically in terms of cost and time. Curator as a profession also has the duty and function to divide the bankrupt property and also can be functioned as a mediator in the bankruptcy process. Keyword: mediation, curator, arrangement, ordering of bankrupt property

Item Type: Other
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Law > Law Sciences Study Program
Depositing User: Sulimin BP3
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2023 09:50
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2023 09:50

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