Mengurangi Politik Uang Dalam Pilkada, Mungkinkah? Suara Publik di Tiga Kabupaten di Jawa Timur

Sair, Abdus Mengurangi Politik Uang Dalam Pilkada, Mungkinkah? Suara Publik di Tiga Kabupaten di Jawa Timur. Universitas Brawijaya. (Unpublished)

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This paper examines public opinion polling on money politics used in elections, especially for local leader elections (Pilkada). Previous works on voting behavior in Indonesia have confirmed that voter acceptance of money politics has been elevated and has profound concerns. Voters' acceptance of money politics is in the range of one-third of the national average and even higher in East Java at two-fifths of the voters. Therefore, money politics is a real problem as it is often used to influence the ballot. However, when money politics is considered omnipresent, this work reveals that some voting communities refuse money politics. The survey, which was conducted in three districts in East Java, namely Lumajang regency, Jember regency, and Situbondo regency, point out groups of voters who rejected money politics at the regional level. Although voters who are politically vulnerable to money politics are still significant, the voters who consider money politics inappropriate have a wider diversity and distribution. Thus, underlining community groups that are relatively immune to money politics provides hope that there is still optimism in minimizing the damage to elections due to money politics. In short, this work suggests there is still space in preserving the quality of elections from money politics, especially at local leader elections. Keywords: Voting Behavior, Money Politics, Local Leader Elections, East Java Politics, Indonesian Studies

Item Type: Other
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Sociology Study Program
Depositing User: Sulimin BP3
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2023 02:12
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2023 02:12

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