The Effect of Bintaro (Cerbera manghas) Leaf Extract on Transmission of Aphids (Homoptera) in Chili (Capsicum annuum) Plants

Haryanta, Dwi (2020) The Effect of Bintaro (Cerbera manghas) Leaf Extract on Transmission of Aphids (Homoptera) in Chili (Capsicum annuum) Plants. North Atlantic University Union NAUN. (Unpublished)

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One of the threats in the cultivation of chili is the presence of aphids attack.The study aims to determine the effect of bintaro / (Cerbera manghas)leaf extract spraying as a bio-pesticide on the transmission patterns of aphids in chili plants.The experimental method refers to the Painter resistance test(Painter, 1951). Factorial experiment with factor I treatment was the concentration of bintaro leaf extract with six levels namely 0.0% concentration; 2.5%concentration; 5.0%concentration; 7.5%concentration; 10.0%concentration; and 12.5%concentration. Factor II treatment was the frequency of spraying namely F1 sprayed once a week (sunday), and F2 is sprayed twice a week (Sunday and Wednesday). Overall there are 12 treatment combinations. The experimental unit is a polybag planted by one stem of chili per polybag so that it requires 60 plant polybags, carried out in a controlled field from the presence of other animals by covering it with a mosquito net. In the inside of the lid of mosquito net is infested with chili plants which are attacked by aphids. Source of inoculum of one plant stem attacked by aphids for each containment/lid (each experimental group).The number of insects that transmitted to the treatment plants was observed every two days or before spraying, while the damage to plants at the end of the experiment. The results showed that there were two types of aphids that attacked the inoculum source plant namely Bemesia tabaci (whitefly) and Aphis gossypii (Aphid) and there were symbionts in the form of black ants (Dolichoderus thoracicus Smith). Transmission occurs since one day after infestation. Population density of the three insect species in each treatment was significantly different, there was an interaction between treatment concentrations with the frequency of bintaro leaf extract spraying, but the density was not consistent from one observation to the next. Plant damage occurs in all plants and the frequency of spraying can reduce damage to the chili plants. Keywords— bintaro leaf extract, aphids, chili

Item Type: Other
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture > Agrotechnology Study Program
Depositing User: Sulimin BP3
Date Deposited: 08 Apr 2021 02:16
Last Modified: 08 Apr 2021 02:16

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