Lexical Ambiguity That Found in Hidden Figures Movie

Martdyanthi, Rizky Gali Putri (2019) Lexical Ambiguity That Found in Hidden Figures Movie. Bachelor (S1) thesis, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University.

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ABSTRACT Martdiyanthi,Rizky Gali Putri. 2019.Lexical Ambiguity that found in Hidden Figures Movie Script. A Thesis: English Department, Language and Science Faculty, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya. Advisor: (I) Drs. Herry Kusmiharto, M.Pd., and (II) Drs. Heru Wibowo, M.Pd. Key Terms : lexical ambiguity, movie script. This study focuses on ambiguity analysis on the drama script of ‘Hidden Figures’ movie. This study was conducted to find out the types of ambiguity and how an ambiguity happens in the drama scripts of ‘Hidden Figures’ movie. This study used qualitative method to discuss the ambiguity analysis on the drama script of ‘Hidden Figures’ movie. The data of this study are obtained from the dialogues in the movie script of ‘Hidden Figures’. To analyze the data, the writer used Fromkin’s theory of ambiguity. Ambiguity is divided into two types, lexical and structural ambiguities. Based on this theory, however the writer identified the lexical ambiguity in the data. Then, she described how the ambiguity happens in the data. From the analysis, the result of this study shows that lexical ambiguity frequently happens in the movie script of ‘Hidden Figures’ movie. The writer found 19 data which contain lexical ambiguity. Furthermore, lexical ambiguity happens when at least one word has more than one meaning. The writer also suggests the future researchers to continue this study by investigating other aspects of linguistics in the movie script, such as the grammar aspect; perspective approach and descriptive approach.

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor (S1))
Subjects: P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: Faculty of Language and Science > English Language Education Study Program
Depositing User: Rizky Gali Putri Martdyanthi
Date Deposited: 10 Apr 2019 04:32
Last Modified: 10 Apr 2019 04:32
URI: http://erepository.uwks.ac.id/id/eprint/3575

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