Perlindungan hukum hak cipta fesyen terhadap ekonomi kreatif dalam masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN

Muis, Lidya Shery (2017) Perlindungan hukum hak cipta fesyen terhadap ekonomi kreatif dalam masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN. Bachelor (S1) thesis, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University.


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ABSTRACT Fashion is one of the mainstay sectors in the creative economy. The creative economy is closely tied to copyright because of the creative economic development to create goods and services that can bring economic benefits to its creators. The creative economy in the MEA era of fashion copyright is vulnerable to piracy because MEA imposed a single market against ASEAN member countries. Piracy hell creators suffered moral loss because they feel the results of his work is uncertain and material losses because the results of his work certainly does not provide incentives to the creator. This is made the authors interested in raising legal issues about the urgency of fashion copyright to the creative economy in the MEA and the fashion legal form of the creative economy in the MEA. This research uses normative research type, that is legal research which is studied using fashion copyright regulation, creative economy and ASEAN economic society. Assessment was done by approach of legislation and conceptual approach then analyzed the relationship between law rule systematically. The form of copyright law to the creative economy in the MEA is visible from the government's policy to renew the UUHC and the ratification of Presidential Decree of Bekraf UUHC explanation states that the creative economy becomes one of Indonesia's mainstay to improve the country's economy. Bekrof to build economic policy. The UUHC renewal and the endorsement of the Presidential Regulation on Bekraf are expected to meet the elements and the development of creative economy. Researchers hope the perpetrators of piracy are dealt with firmly in accordance with the provisions of the UUHC and Perpres Bekraf is expected to be repaired into Law Bekrcf because Bekrof is a body that plays an important role in the advancement of creative economy in the era of MEA. Keywords: Copyright of Fashion, Creative Economy, ASEAN Economic Community ========================================================= ABSTRAK Fesyen merupakan salah satu sektor andalan dalam ekonomi kreatif. Ekonomi kreatif erat hubungannya dengan hak cipta karena perkembangan ekonomi kreatif berfokus kepada penciptaan barang dan jasa dengan mengandalkan keahlian, bakat dan kreativitas yang dapat mendatangkan manfaat ekonomi kepada penciptanya. Ekonomi kreatif di era MEA membuat hale cipta fesyen rentan terkena pembajakan karena MEA memberlakukan pasar tunggal terhadap negara anggota ASEAN. Pembajakan mengakibatkan pencipta mengalami kerugian moril karena merasa hasil karyanya tidak dihargai dan kerugian materiil karena basil karyanya telah tersebar namun tidak memberikan insentif kepada pencipta. Hal ini membuat penulis tertarik mengangkat isu hukum tentang urgensi hak cipta fesyen terhadap ekonomi kreatif dalam MEA dan bentuk perlindungan hukum .fesyen terhadap ekonomi kreatif dalam MEA. :P~:n~UglW, im m~~_ggyp,~lW, ti~ ~:n~UtilW, normatif, Y3.itu. pe:neUg3.n hYkYm dikaji menggunakan aturan hukum terkait hak cipta fesyen, Ekonomi kreatif dan masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN. Pengkajian dilakukan dengan pendekatan perundang-nndangan dan pendekatan konseptuaI kemudian dianalisis hubungan antara aturan hukum secara sistematis: Bentuk perlindungan hak cipta terhadap ekonomi kreatif dalam MEA terlihat dari kebijakan pemerintah memperbaharui UUHC dan pengesahan Perpres Bekraf. Penjelasan UUHC menyatakan bahwa ekonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu andalan Indonesia untuk meningkatkan perekonomian negara. Bekraf bertugas untuk menetapkan kebijakan terhadap ekonomi kreatif. Pembaruan UUHC dan mengesahan Perpres Bekraf diharapkan dapat memenuhi unsur perlindungan dan pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Peneliti berharap pelaku pembajakan ditindak dengan tegas sesuai ketentuan yang terdapat .dalam UUHC dan Perpres Bekraf diharapkan dapat ditingkatkan menjadi UU Bekraf karena Bekraf merupakan badan yang berperan penting dalam kemajuan ekonomi kreatif dalam em MEA. . - . . - Kaea Kunci : Hak Cipta Fesyen, Ekonomi Kreatif, Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN =========================================================

Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor (S1))
Uncontrolled Keywords: Copyright of Fashion, Creative Economy, ASEAN Economic Community Hak Cipta Fesyen, Ekonomi Kreatif, Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HJ Public Finance
K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Law > Master in Law Sciences Study Program
Depositing User: Bambang Wahyujatmiko
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2018 06:30
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2018 06:30

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